Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stop Predatory Lending --- Who Benefits?


There have been a number of changes to lending control authority given to the States since 2004 and leading up to 2004. The federally chartered banks and savings associations have prevailed in the courts effectively continuing a trend in our Country which feeds the Liberal belief that the Federal Government is wiser and more protective of citizens then the individual states. There are many of us who intuitively believe that this is a fallacy of modern times and as well it is not the intention of the United States of Americas, founding fathers to see a complete federal dominance of states rights.         EXAMPLE:   From Emma Jane Hodson, Author,

1. See Christopher R. Childs, Comment, So You’ve Been Preempted - What Are
You Going to Do Now?: Solutions for States Following Federal Preemption of State
Predatory Lending Statutes, 2004 BYU L. REV. 701, 702-03 (2004) (explaining that
the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision
have found that state laws enacted to combat predatory lending do not apply to
federally chartered banks or savings associations on preemption grounds resulting in
an additional challenge for states in regulating predatory lending).

Where are the Legal Scholars? Who are the beneficiaries of these rulings and trends. One guess, you have got it, it is big banks and banking corporations. Who are those banks? Take a look at this article by Mike Alberti.

Let us look at housing foreclosure trends in the US a helpful link on current states foreclosure rates comparisons. Read this article link about theory of banking control, and next time we shall see who benefits from the banking debacle.